Saturday 19 December 2015

How to identify light weight sybil attack in MANET?


The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks. It is named after the subject of the book Sybil, a case study of a woman diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder.

Most networks, like a peer-to-peer network, rely on assumptions of identity, where each computer represents one identity. A Sybil attack happens when an insecure computer is hijacked to claim multiple identities. Problems arise when a reputation system (such as a file-sharing reputation on a torrent network) is tricked into thinking that an attacking computer has a disproportionally large influence. Similarly, an attacker with many identities can use them to act maliciously, by either stealing information or disrupting communication. It is important to recognize a Sybil attack and note its danger in order to protect yourself from being a target.

Large-scale peer-to-peer systems face security threats from faulty or hostile remote computing elements. To resist these threats, many such systems employ redundancy. However, if a single faulty entity can present multiple identities, it can control a substantial fraction of the system, thereby undermining this redundancy. One approach to preventing these “Sybil attacks” is to have a trusted agency certify identities.

Nodes that passively monitor traffic in the network can detect a Sybil attacker that uses a number of network identities simultaneously. We show through simulation that this detection can be done by a single node, or that multiple trusted nodes can join to improve the accuracy of detection. We then show that although the detection mechanism will falsely identify groups of nodes travelling together as a Sybil attacker, we can extend the protocol to monitor collisions at the MAC level to differentiate between a single attacker spoofing many addresses and a group of nodes travelling in close proximity.

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