Monday 14 December 2015

What is Malicious node?


Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are required to develop a strong security scheme it is therefore necessary to understand how malicious nodes can attack the MANETs. Focusing on the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, an IDS mechanism to accurately detect and isolate misbehavior node(s) in OLSR protocol based on End-to-End (E2E) communication between the source and the destination is proposed. The collaboration of a group of neighbor nodes is used to make accurate decisions. Creating and broadcasting attackers list to neighbor nodes enables other node to isolate misbehavior nodes by eliminating them from the routing table. Eliminating misbehavior node allows the source to select another trusted path to its destination.

                         The routing protocols implemented in MANETs are globally classified into two categories: proactive or table driven protocols and reactive or on-demand protocols. Table driven protocols rely on a table, which maintains consistent up-to-date information concerning routes to all possible destinations, whereas on-demand routing protocols implement source-initiated route organization, where a route is created when desired by the node.

                           Modification is a type of attack when an authorized party not only gains access to but tampers with an asset. For example a malicious node can redirect the network traffic and conduct DOS attacks by modifying message fields or by forwarding routing message with false values.

                         As there is no authentication of data packets in current ad-hoc network, a malicious node can launch many attacks in a network by masquerading as another node i.e. spoofing. Spoofing is occurred when a malicious node misrepresents its identity in the network (such as altering its MAC or IP address in outgoing packets) and alters the target of the networktopology that a benign node can either.

                        Fabrication is an attack in which an authorizedparty not only gains the access but also inserts counterfeit objects into the system. In MANET, fabrication is used to refer the attacks performed by generating false routing messages Gray hole attack We now describe the grayhole attack on MANETS. 

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