Sunday 22 November 2015

What are the basics of network simulation?


The network simulator is discrete event packet level simulator.The network simulator covers a very large number of application of different kind of protocols of different network types consisting of different network elements and traffic models.Network simulator is a package of tools that simulates behavior of networks such as creating network topologies, log events that happen under any load,analyze the events and understand the network. Well the main aim of our first experiment is to learn how to use network simulator and to get acquainted with the simulated objects and understand the operations of network simulation and we also need to analyze the behavior of the simulation object using network simulation.

Platform required to run network simulator

  • Unix and Unix like systems
  • Linux (Use Fedora or Ubuntu versions)
  • Free BSD
  • SunOS/Solaris
  • Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP

Backend Environment of Network Simulator

Network Simulator is mainly based on two languages.They are C++ and OTcl. OTcl is the object oriented version of Tool Command language.The network simulator is a bank of of different network and protocol objects. C++ helps in the following way:

  •  It helps to increase the efficiency of simulation.
  • Its is used to provide details of the protocols and their operation.
  • It is used to reduce packet and event processing time.
  • OTcl helps in the following way:
  • With the help of OTcl we can describe different network topologies
  • It helps us to specify the protocols and their applications
  • It allows fast development
  • Tcl is compatible with many platforms and it is flexible for integration
  • Tcl is very easy to use and it is available in free

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