Monday 23 November 2015

What are the NS2 components?


• NS2: the simulator itself, now version: ns-2.26 We will work with the part mostly.
 • NAM: Network animator. Visualized trace tool(not really). Nam editor: GUI interface to generate ns scripts Just for presentation now, not useful for research tracing.
 • Pre-processing: Traffic and topology generators
 • Post-processing: Simple trace analysis, often in Awk, Perl(mostly), or Tcl

                                                Image result for ns2 components images

ns, the simulator itself

 • nam, the Network AniMator – for visualizing ns output – GUI for simple ns scenarios

• Pre-processing – traffic and topology generators

• Post-processing – simple trace analysis – using Awk, Perl, or Tcl

                                          CLICK HERE TO VIEW MORE DETAILS

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