Friday 27 November 2015

What is Underwater Sensor Network?


                              Wireless information transmission through the ocean is one of the enabling technologies for the development of future ocean-observation systems and sensor networks. Applications of underwater sensing range from oil industry to aquaculture, and include instrument monitoring, pollution control, climate recording, prediction of natural disturbances, search and survey missions, and study of marine life. Underwater wireless sensing systems are envisioned for stand-alone applications and control of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and as an addition to cabled systems. For example, cabled ocean observatories are being built on submarine cables to deploy an extensive fibre-optic network of sensors (cameras, wave sensors and seismometers) covering miles of ocean floor.

Underwater networks may also be mobile, with sensors attached to AUVs, low-power gliders or unpowered drifters. Mobility is useful to maximize sensor coverage with limited hardware, but it raises challenges for localization and maintaining a connected network. Energy for communications is plentiful in AUVs, but it is a concern for gliders or drifters.
As with surface sensor networks, network density, coverage and number of nodes are interrelated parameters that characterize a deployment. Underwater deployments to date are generally less dense, have longer range and employ significantly fewer nodes than terrestrial sensor networks. For example, the Seaweb deployment in 2000 involved 17 nodes spread over a 16 km2 area, with a median of five neighbours per node.

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